

Our journey from laboratory studies to practical solutions

2024, Cameroon & Switzerland - Social studies and development of a mockup of the hydrogen cookstove in collaboration with ECAL and EPFL

2022, Cameroon: Commissioning of a demonstrator. Hydrogen is locally used for clean cooking in innovative cookstoves

2020, Switzerland - Laboratory studies for the co-production of hydrogen and oxygen using only solar irradiation and water at EPFL.

They talk about us

Partizipative Forschung Statt Westliche Agenda, Eine Welt

Quatre bonnes idées suisses pour les plus pauvres de la planète, Swissinfo.

La cuisson à hydrogène suisse promet de remplacer le charbon, 24 Heures

HydrogenCooker, l’invention d’une station de cuisson fonctionnant à l’hydrogène, Neozone.

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